Hey there,

Hey there, This is Juciano. I am a software developer focused on frontend technologies, like React, Angular, Solid, and more...

My Resume



TurboVersion is a tool to manage the version of your monorepo, it's based on semver and it's easy to use.

Tech Stack

  • monorepo
  • semver
  • versioning
  • turborepo


Createform is an open source project that allows you to create forms easily, different from the others options, this package guides you to create custom hooks to manage your forms, you can use the same form in different components without context API.

Tech Stack

  • react
  • form
  • createform
  • use-form


Engrafia is an open-source project designed to build documentation websites without any effort. Engrafia is built up NextJs, which means that you have the power, and performance of NextJs to build your documentation.

Tech Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • react
  • next
  • mdx
  • docs

SolidJS createform

Createform is an open-source package to create forms for SolidJS applications. It's based on useForm

Tech Stack

  • forms
  • solidjs
  • web


Playground helps you to create awesome components documentations!

Tech Stack

  • rehype
  • playground
  • react
  • next
  • mdx
  • docs


useQueryFilter uses react hook to persist the filter state in a component state and the same state is pushed into the URL.

Tech Stack

  • filter
  • react
  • forms


I've worked with multiple technologies as a developer to develop & maintain my projects.

  • Javascript

    I've been work with Javascript over 6 years.
  • Typescript

    More than 4 years of Typescript experience.
  • AngularJs

    I've worked with AngularJs, and Angular2+ more more than two years.
  • React

    I have use ReactJs to write complex products and internal, and open-source libraries for over 4 yearss.
  • Scripting

    I have written dozens of Shell scripts for various purposes.
  • Git

    Git is a tool that I use every day. I use GitHub for pushing my code.
  • Docker

    Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run modern applications. I've been use it for the last 4 years.
  • CI/CD

    Pipeline, Github Actions, Containers, and another tools for continuos integration.
  • I've a great experience, and knowledge in Javascript ecosystem like; React, Angular, Redux, D3, NPM, Webpack...

My Journey

In my journey to date, I have learned a great deal about development and life in general.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


Shell Scripts




Github Stars

© 2023 Juciano C Barbosa . All rights reserved.